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Tones of the Soul – A Czech Television Documentary about Markéta Fassati within the “Paths of Faith” Series

Art as a gateway to the spiritual world. The Church Festivities of soprano Markéta Fassati bring people to churches who might not otherwise attend a religious service. In doing so, she opens sacred spaces to them in a truly unique way.

Video – (Czech Television ČT 2, March 16, 2025, at 12:10 PM)

New CD Ave Maria

Sopranistka Markéta Fassati vydává nové album Ave Maria.

Album obsahuje nádheré písně Ave Maria v podání Markéty Fassati za doprovodu orchestru a varhan od světoznámých autorů, jakými jsou William Gomez, Giulio Caccini, Franz Schubert, Pietro Mascagni,  Johann Sebastian Bach - Charles Gounod,  Camille Saint-Saëns,  Antonín Dvořák a dalších. Úvodní slovo k CD napsal Prof. PhDr. Tomáš Halík Th. D. Booklet obsahuje poutavé snímky staré Prahy a kostelů od fotografa Jaroslava Tatka z archivu MČ Praha 1. Veškeré texty jsou v českém a anglickém jazyce.

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Church celebrations

Prague is rightly said to be a "mother of a hundred towers."
And most of these towers belong to churches.
The first concert, which was streamed on-line, took place in the heart of Prague - in the Old Town Square.
Accompanied by the Fassati Ensmble, I sang musical jewels.

I warmly invite you to listen.
Yours Marketa

link to other videos >
link to the Church celebrations >

Video clip

Dear Friends,

I would like to share great news with you that makes me extremely happy: a new video clip. It is the first piece from my new Alchymist album.

Italian songs are full of emotions and this aria by Master Antonio Vivaldi is no different.

The video clip captures two states of mind of a woman.

One is very dramatic with torn feelings pouring from her heart. The other is full of reconciliation and forgiveness. In the end, they blend into one.

link to the video clip >